Cigar Box
Cigar Box
Cigar Box
Cigar Box
Cigar Box
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Cigar Box

AED 11,550.00
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Both a functional accessory and a statement of timeless luxury, Faras Humidor box is exquisitely handcrafted with marquetry, lined in cedar and designed with a humidification system to protect your cigars. To the lid, a bold design that highlights the Arabian Horse, while the classic aesthetic of the design brings a feel of tradition and sophistication to any spot you choose to place it – think next to a coffee table book in your living room.

Dimensions: 36 x 22 x 16.2cm

Materials: Italian veneer x Cedar wood


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Cigar Box
AED 11,550.00
Cigar Box
AED 11,550.00

Both a functional accessory and a statement of timeless luxury, Faras Humidor box is exquisitely handcrafted with marquetry, lined in cedar and designed with a humidification system to protect your cigars. To the lid, a bold design that highlights the Arabian Horse, while the classic aesthetic of the design brings a feel of tradition and sophistication to any spot you choose to place it – think next to a coffee table book in your living room.

Dimensions: 36 x 22 x 16.2cm

Materials: Italian veneer x Cedar wood


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